Update : September 2012 :
Coming this Fall is a new Dickerson Combination Press “DC2” this will offer a larger capacity for litho printing as well as this press is motorized. Keep an lookout for new larger lithos to be printed in the winter 2012 -2013.
The Epson 15000 scanner with a bed capacity of 12″ x 17″, this is great for scanning drawings into Photo Shop to create photo positives as well as this allows us to capture high resolution images of completed artwork with the best color capture available.
Also new to the Shop is a small portable etching press, we are refurbishing it for future shop and demo use abroad.
- New at Blue Fig… Dickerson Combination Press, set up for Litho.
The list of studio equipment:
Silk screen printing tables (two tables)
Sturges Etching press 29″ x 42″ bed
Robert Mayer Etching press (circa 1890)
Fuchs & Lang Lithography Press
Douthitt Vacuum table with UV light source
Washout booth with pressure washer or garden hose
Light safe screen drying box
NuArc Light Table 28″ x 32″
Several Glass top tables for inking stations
Water bath for paper soaking
Paper table and cutter (with blotters)
Silk screen ink station
Saturn drying racks (2 rolling racks)
Smaller drying rack
Flat file drawers for storage ( 5 units )
Drawing easels and work tables
Large variety of brayers and ink rollers
Printmaking supplies and tools as needs for various mediums
Variety of Litho Stones